LpSwap: The Leading Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain
LpSwap is the leading decentralized exchange on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Through a series of smart contracts, LpSwap innovates the process of liquidity creation, liquidity provision, and asset exchange, greatly facilitating user opera...
06-08 22:43
MT Capital Report: Comparative Analysis of Origin and Olympus DAO
In the entire blockchain space, the pace of the DeFi track has always been fast. The strong liquidity advantage and immense traffic make the self-iterative nature of DeFi particularly prominent. As we know, DeFi 1.0 was characterized by the...
05-08 16:23
SVBTC Shining Queen Award,A Glittering Night of Success and New Beginnings
In the opulent setting of Pitt Club Malaysia, the most prestigious club venue in the country, the SVBTC Shining Queen Award ceremony unfolded like a grand tapestry woven with innovation, recognition, and investment opportunities. SVBTC, as...
04-12 20:53
Exploring the Future of Digital Entertainment: MetaFilm Leads the Way in Film and Television
With the rapid development of technology, digital entertainment is undergoing a revolutionary change. In this digital era of infinite possibilities, MetaFilm has emerged as a pioneer in leading the new trend of film and television. MetaFilm...
03-30 11:43
W3BDAO: Pioneering the Web3.0 Revolution
As the concept of Web3.0 gains global traction, the world is moving toward a decentralized internet, emphasizing data sovereignty and enhanced privacy. In this technological and conceptual evolution, W3BDAO plays a pivotal role. In the Web3...
10-23 16:54
FDC Officially Lands on BitForex to Start a Wave of New Opportunities
The cryptocurrency world continues to evolve, and at the forefront of this evolution is FintraDAO, an innovative platform that perfectly blends AI technology, decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and blockchain foundations. Recentl...
10-10 10:41
Entering the Next Dimension: Gods Investiture's Leap in the Metaverse Gaming Chain Arena
From the technological hotbed of Silicon Valley to the international stage, Gods Investiture is more than just a project name. It symbolizes an era where the metaverse fuses with artificial intelligence technology. Its growth isnt just about...
08-18 18:43
ApeIsland Team Officially Assembled: Welcoming a New Era of Digital Adventure
In the wave of the digital world, ApeIsland is emerging with great force. Today, we are incredibly proud to announce that the core team of ApeIsland has been officially assembled, injecting fresh vitality and foresight into this exciting pro...
08-10 10:00
VoidVault Exchange Partners with SCC Project, Pioneering a New Era of Cryptocurrency and Real-World Asset Integration
Recently, VoidVault Exchange, under the umbrella of the VV Global, announced its intention to partner with the SCC (Distributed Computing Public Chain) project. This milestone collaboration signifies a significant breakthrough in the integr...
06-29 10:10
Exploring the Future of Industries with Blockchain Applications in Finance, Healthcare, and Real Estate
Home Blockchain Exploring the Future of Industries with Blockchain Applications in Finance, Healthcare, and Real Estate 3ACES INVESTING Investment simplified As the world becomes increasingly digitized, its no surprise that industries are e...
03-27 14:27
Coinbase and ChatGPT Team Up to Evaluate Cryptocurrencies
Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, has announced a partnership withChatGPT,a language model trained by OpenAI, to help evaluate cryptocurrencies. The partnership aims to leverage the advanced natural languag...
03-27 14:25
Coinbase Leadership Team to Visit UK for Meetings with Policymakers, Regulators, and Crypto Community
Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that its leadership team will be visiting the United Kingdom to meet with policymakers, regulators, media, and members of the wider crypto communityin the coming weeks. The timing o...
03-27 14:22
US Dollar Is No Longer Too Big to Fail, Former Coinbase CTO Advocates BTC Over RMB As Successor
Balaji Srinivasan, an entrepreneur and former CTO of Coinbase, argues that the US dollar is no longer too big to fail, and he hopes that Bitcoin, rather than the Chinese yuan (RMB), will be the next currency to gain investors trust during t...
03-27 14:22
X2Y2 & OKX Web3 Wallet Cooperation
Today X2Y2 successfully integrated OKX Wallet web extension on their website/product. X2Y2 Background: Web: TVL: Top 2 NFT Marketplace Vision At X2Y2, we share a common goal: to create a truly decentralized NFT market that...
03-27 14:20
Ethereum Layer 2 Network Arbitrum Chain Reaches 4 Million Accounts and $8 Billion in Locked Positions
According to the latest data from Dune Analytics , the Ethereum Layer 2 network Arbitrum chain has achieved a significant milestone, with its total number of accounts surpassing 4 million, reaching 4.091 million at the time of writing. Of t...
03-27 12:38
Guggenheim Lectures on Healthcare: Exploring Innovation and Development in Healthcare
Introduction With the continuous development of technology, the medical field is also experiencing unprecedented changes and innovations.2023 In February, Paramount Capital was honoured to participate in a healthcare lecture at the Guggenhe...
02-26 10:00
LANIAKEA: The Future of Global Supercomputing Network
LANIAKEA, as a project aimed at building a leading global high-performance distributed supercomputing network, continues to advance towards the future of scientific computing. In September 2022, LANIAKEA began testing Public Chain 2.0, marki...
01-12 10:00
VSTE is expanding on its global business layout, with the potential for new growth in the sports arbitrage betting industry
This year, the epidemic has impacted major financial industries worldwide to varying degrees. In March, panic selling by investors triggered by the epidemic caused the US stock market to experience its largest single-day decline since 1987....
09-24 10:00
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